
Hip Kit Club | Seriously Cute | VIDEO

by - 2/25/2016 12:04:00 PM

Hello! Here I am with my last January Hip Kit layout - my February kits are ready to be opened in my studio and I can't wait to get started.
As I live in Finland, it always takes time to get the kits here. We, the design team, get the kits a bit earlier than all the customers but not much. If you are Hip Kit Club customer in US, you definitely will get your package in the first week of each month, but I'm receiving mine about 18th-30th day each month. You might think that would bother me, but no - Hip Kits are so versatile and not bounded to any holiday, so I can easily scrap my projects in the next month.
Just like this layout, as said it's made with January kits but I don't see anything referring to January. And another example, couple weeks ago I used last May's Color Kit stencils on my layout, so these are really nice to use in any time of the year.

Maybe this is right place to mention I don't get paid of praising the Hip Kits or any other companies I'm working with. I'm standing behind my words and if I don't like the products, I don't use them. I'm also so honest, that I couldn't never write made up opinion here on my blog. Just that if you are getting bored to read my good words about Hip Kits, it's all true and that's the way it is :D

This layout has some Project Life Kit products all over. See what and how from the video above. Enjoy!

Thank you for stopping by!

Materials used: Hip Kit Club January Main Kit, January Embellishment Kit, January Color KitJanuary Project Life Kit, January Paper Kit, January Cardstock Kit

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