
Hip Kit Club | DIY | VIDEO

by - 4/30/2016 08:00:00 AM

Hello and happy Friday night or Saturday Morning!

Today I’m sharing my last layout made with Hip Kit Club March kits and even though it’s almost May and it’s already weeks since Easter I am sharing memories of our Easter preparations.
In the picture is my Mother together with Maya decorating some branches for Easter traditions. In Finland our children dress themselves as witches (both boys and girls) and go from door to door to wish luck for next year by reciting a poem. Then they give the decorated branch and get paid, usually with chocolate Easter eggs.
Afterwards we can enjoy our children with too much eaten sugar, lol!
The tradition is really old and has moved to Finland originally from Russia, and the way the tradition is used depends on where in Finland you live. My description tells how we do it in Southern Finland.

Now that I’ve told something about our decorated branches, you can check out my video to learn how I decorated the layout. Lots of delicious goodies from Pink Fresh Studio Felicity collection, and so much more!

Next week I’ll be sharing my first April kit layout, and I’m so excited about it.

Thank you for your time and visit.

Materials used: Hip Kit Club March Main Kit, March Embellishment Kit, March Color Kit,March Project Life Kit, March Paper Kit, March Cardstock Kit

And hey! We're having National Scrapbook Day online crop over at Hip Kit Club Member Forum! Welcome!

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2 kommenttia

  1. Terhi - as always, your page is gorgeous with an awesome design.

  2. I love this page, Terhi. You always make things look so easy :)


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