
Big Picture Classes | One by One | Adorable

by - 6/30/2017 06:00:00 AM


Yesterday I told you about my Color by Color class over at Big Picture Classes, today I'm telling you something about my first class: One by One.

One of the most asked questions from me is about how I do the layers on my pages. This class gives you the answers. It takes you through the layers, step by step. From adding mixed media layers to layering embellishments and finally how it all works together.
The layout above is from this class, and if you have ever wondered, even for a second, how she do it, here's is the answer. There is tons of pictures to see, text to read and most importantly, each lessons includes at least one video showing you exactly how I made each step!
Looking forward to hear what you think!

Don't forget to use your FREE 14 DAYS trial if you are new to Big Picture Classes.

See you there!

One by One | Terhi Koskinen

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