American Crafts | Leftovers and leaves

Hello everyone,

Did you see my LAST POST, HERE. I made some pretty cool pumpkins for American Crafts, using Color Pour products.

I really hate wasting so I let me show what else I poured at the same time, using only the paints I used for the pumpkins.

Drum roll... Maple leaves!

First I air dried the leaves and made sure they really were completely dry. Couple nights on the table and that's it. Otherwise the leaves would have dried after the paint coat and that would have made the paint crackle. I wonder how cool that would have looked, though.

After I first dried the leaves, I left them on table while pouring the pumpkins on top them. This way the loose paint went straight to the leaves, I only spread the paint a little.

And there was one blanc canvas under the leaves - so I had a beautiful pour art as a second bonus!

Do you like the painting? How about the leaves? Where would you use them? I'm thinking about making a pretty table setting next Sunday. We'll see how it goes.

Terhi xx


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