
Hip Kit Club | Hello

by - 7/23/2015 08:25:00 AM

Hello everyone! There's something special about these Thursday mornings (Wednesday nights in US). It's my time to shine over at Hip Kit Club blog and I get to publish always something new, and a new video as well.
This layout is very important and special for me as it includes a lot of red but it's still one of my all time favorites! The photograph of Mea is magnificent (yes, took it by myself and still I think it's magnificent) as she is staying still, smiling, and she looks so beautiful, magical and just so very beautiful. Lightning is perfect, I didn't need to edit it too much, colors are even and I love how she is in the front of a mirror. I absolutely adore this one, as I adore her too. And now that I'm praising everything, I also want to mention I love the design of this layout even though it all came together so easy. I just layered some papers to create a paper cluster and the rest is on the video. No planning, just doing.
I'd never have tried to do red and green together if I haven't received these goodies from Hip Kit Club. So thankful for my design team position, so grateful for my life right now - with all things in it.

I hope you enjoy your life today, enjoy the video, and enjoy the beautiful things around you. Thanks for stopping by. Promise to be more negative the next time you visit here - just kidding, I know I never will be!

Materials used: June Main Kit, June Embellishment Kit, June Project Life Kit, June Cardstock Kit, June Color Kit.

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3 kommenttia

  1. Gorgeous, Terhi, and I loved seeing how you put it all together. Magical indeed!

  2. LOVE the red in your fabulous layout!!


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