
Hip Kit Club | Hello Skater! | VIDEO

by - 2/11/2016 03:00:00 PM

Hello! Even though my favorite colors are blue, green and turquoise much more than pink and red, I see my blog is quite full of pink projects this month. I blame Valentine's Day. And gorgeous January Hip Kits full of each more inspiring goodies!
So, here's another pink layout. There's Mea skating for first time this winter, and it was fun as she skated all by herself. No need for Mom! She fell couple of times of course but got up by herself, such a big girl!
As usual, there is a video. But this time I'm not telling you only how I did it, I'm sharing my thoughts about why I did it. My English isn't perfect, I know, but I hope you still understand something about my explanations. If not, then please don't hesitate to send me a message and ask. I'm here :)

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4 kommenttia

  1. I love how you created the background and I'm not big on pink either but you balanced it with the different shades. TFS

  2. I love how you created the background and I'm not big on pink either but you balanced it with the different shades. TFS

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  4. Me encanta todo lo que haces.
    Pasas de la sencillez a lo complicado. Genial!!


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