
Wycinanka | Minun Tarinani

by - 3/13/2016 08:59:00 PM

Hey there! A while ago Polish company called Wycinanka asked me to send some ideas for Finnish chipboard words. My list was quite long as all FInnish chippies I've seen before has said "congrats" or "thanks". So for scrapbooking, the selection has been really, really blame. 
Another thing to be excited was the fact that I adore Wycinanka's fonts. Create A Smile do their chippies in co-operation with Wycinanka, and those are marvelous as well. As TrickArts' are too! There is something about Polish manufacturers. They make their products so well, with so good quality and pretty outcome.
Anyway, this is my first go with my designs, the layout has been published here (link), and the words are available here (link). To be honest this looks kind of funny as I'm used to see only English words is my layouts, but I could get used to this!
This time I didn't do anything to alter the chippies. "Minun tarinani" is My Story in English and the layout tells about Lotte, the horse, how she grew up and where. At least the part of her life that I'm aware of.

Do you like the chippies? Would you like to see chippies in your own language (for English readers this is a silly question)? And for Finnish readers: Mitä muita sanoja haluaisit pahvikuvioiksi?

Thanks for stopping by today and have a great new week!

Materials: Wycinanka, 13arts, TricksArt, Studio Tekturek, American Crafts

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