
Hip Kit Club | 100% Fabulous | VIDEO

by - 5/21/2016 08:00:00 AM

Hello there!

While you're reading this, I'm enjoying Polish atmosphere and people. Please join me at Instagram (terhi_koskinen) in order to see what I'm up to. Lots of crafting and having fun!
But now I'm showing you what I made with Hip Kit Club April kits. One of the patterned papers in the Main Kit inspired me with the butterflies, so this layout is build by thinking first all the butterflies, then the rest. Kind of upside down comparing to my usual style of scrapbooking.

There's a video too above, please enjoy watching!
Thanks for stopping by and have a beautiful day!

Materials: Hip Kit Club April Main Kit, April Embellishment Kit, April Project Life Kit, April Color Kit, April Paper Kit, April Cardstock Kit

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